News and Announcements
02/2025 Had a great visit to University of Wisconsin Madison as a part of the NEEP Seminar Series, where I shared our work on fast algorithms (aka physics-informed machine learning) and equitable frameworks (our new work on Locational Marginal Burden) for renewable-rich power systems.
02/2025 Great to give a talk at UM's Electric-Water Utility Resilience Summit and interact with utility operators, government officials, and fellow academic researchers on critical topics of resilience. Great conversations and many directions for impactful future work!
02/2025 Join me at UM's inaugural Sustainable Lab Summit, where I will be presenting our work on optimization and AI algorithms that center questions of energy justice, as leaders of a just energy transition.
01/2025 Welcome Lauren May! Lauren is an undergraduate student in LSA studying data science and a minor in the Environment. She joins our group as an undergraduate researcher.
12/2024 Join me and UM's Sustainable LSA for a workshop on "Greening the Cloud: Sustainability in AI and Technology". During my presentation, I'll discuss sustainability and how AI+tech can both help and hurt sustainability goals. After, engage with us during our interactive workshops with critical conversations in a cross-disciplinary group
12/2024 Pre-print Alert! Keeping up with the energy transition where new loads and generators are being rapidly connected to the grid, we need to consider Transmission Expansion Planning and flexibility offered from resources like storage. Check out our recent work in this space, where we study planning of transmission lines and storage on a high spatial resolution of the Texas grid. More to come in this space from Kevin Wu, PhD student co-advised with Pascal Van Hentenryck at GeorgiaTech.
10/2024 Amanda and I attended INFORMS 2024 in Seattle to share our work exploring the energy equity implications of the power grid
10/2024 Join HerWILL and AI4OPT for a workshop series and datathon on AI for Equality! I'll be giving the first workshop of the series "Python Essentials Unleashed". The program is open to all -- wherever in the world you are, you can participate in the series and datathon. Looking forward to meeting our participants on October 11th!
Read more about the workshop here, with the registration link in the post.
Looking forward to U-M CEE:
I sat down with U-M CEE for the Connections & Directions podcast series to discuss my research, teaching, and diversity work. Looking forward to joining in January 2025!
You can also read more in my interview with Mason Hinawi, from U-M CEE, an excerpt of which is below:
Haider’s research centers around energy and power systems and their design and operation in a decarbonized future; her work has involved developing tools in physics-informed machine learning, distributing intelligence for grid-edge devices, and designing future electricity markets. When dealing with energy and power systems, Professor Haider emphasizes the human-centric nature of her work and research — an emphasis that closely aligns with Michigan Engineering’s “People First” strategic vision.
“Energy is an infrastructure system,” Haider explained. “It shares a lot of the properties that we think about when we think of other built infrastructure, like roads, water networks, or city buildings. And when you’re thinking about civil infrastructure, you’re also thinking about the users of that system.”
09/2024 Publication Alert! Our paper on physics-informed machine learning for power systems reconfiguration is now available on Transactions on Smart Grids!
08/2024 Publication Alert! Congarts Richard on our new paper at NAPS 2024! In this work we investigate the impact of data on voltage predictions using a simple ML model. We find that different data generation methods will impact prediction performance, and as should be expected, a richer dataset generated from multiple methods outperforms more homogenous datasets.
07/2024 Thanks Epistimi and the Henry Luce Foundation for inviting me to teach at the Epistimi Leadership Workshop for Women in Energy, at the American College of Greece!
06/2024 It was a busy month with presentations from our group at two key conferences: Sam and Amanda presented at the ACM e-Energy conference in Singapore (paper), while Jules and I presented at the Power Systems Computation Conference in Paris (paper). Wonderful to see many colleagues and meet new collaborators!
04/2024 Thanks Women's Energy Network for the invitation to speak on an Education Panel: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in the Energy Industry
03/2024 Publication Alert! Congrats Sam and Amanda on our new paper at the ACM e-Energy conference! In this work we quantify the equity of optimal power flow solutions through the Locational Marginal Burden.
03/2024 As we approach World Water Day (March 22) I was interviewed by GeorgiaTech ISyE to discuss my research on sustainable energy systems.
"Haider’s work underlines the critical importance of collaborative efforts and systemic thinking in shaping a sustainable future, emphasizing that progress and environmental responsibility must advance hand in hand for the benefit of all."03/2024 I was pleased to give a seminar at the Ralph O'Connor Sustainable Energy Institute (ROSEI) at Johns Hopkins University
02/2024 I was pleased to give a seminar at the University of British Columbia
02/2024 I was pleased to give a seminar at the Energy Systems Innovation Center (ESIC) at Washington State University
02/2024 I was pleased to give a seminar at the University of Michigan
02/2024 Our paper on graph neural networks for power systems has been accepted to the Power Systems Computational Conference! We are looking forward to attending the conference in Paris this summer.
10/2023 Attending the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix! Had a wonderful time connecting with colleagues and had some great conversations on my presentation on physics-informed ML and differentiable end-to-end learning for power systems.
10/2023 Pre-print Alert! Checkout our new work on graph neural networks for power system reconfiguration! We're continuing to push in the direction of physics-informed machine learning for mixed integer problems applied to power systems. This work was done in collaboration with Jules Authier, and is a key result of his masters thesis. Physics-Informed graph neural network for dynamic reconfiguration of power systems.
We are featured in the July edition of Microsoft Research's Research Focus Blog, on Twitter and LinkedIn!
Read more about our Nationwide Distributed Energy Resource Modeling modeling project and reach out to get involved in our data consortium
07/2023 Attending the 6th UI-ASSIST Annual Meeting and PES General Meeting in Orlando, to present my research in smart distribution grids: electricity market design, storage integration, and distributed grid services.
06/2023 Publication Alert! Join me at the ACM e-Energy workshop on Energy Data and Analytics where I'm presenting our paper on a project-driven DER dataset for the US grid. This work is a result of my internship with Microsoft Research and in collaboration with Breakthrough Energy.
06/2023 Our new Technical Report on the Behind-The-Meter Distributed Energy Resources is now available on the IEEE PES Resource Center! Our contributions on emerging market and business models, and future needs via interactions with policymakers can be found in Chapters 6 and 7.
05/2023 I'm chairing a session at the IISE Annual Conference on Machine Learning in Energy Systems Analysis and will be presenting my research in physics-informed ML for power systems.
05/2023 I was awarded the Aarav Amar Bajpayee Memorial Prize in recognition of my research contributions to sustainability.
05/2023 Pre-print Alert! Physics-informed machine learning for power systems reconfiguration: Grid-SiPhyR: An end-to-end learning to optimize framework for combinatorial problems in power systems.
03/2023 Publication Alert! Our new survey paper on voltage regulation is now available!
01/2023 Join me for the Young Scientists Lecture in the Energy Visions Seminar series: I'll be discussing our work on retail electricity market design.